The talented Guantanamo performer Jennifer Nobrega Hung won the Popularity Award of the 34th issue of the Vocecitas de Cristal Children’s Music Contest with the song “Pido permiso”, event  in which she also won one of the awards in the 10 to 15 category.

In this section of the contest, which took place at the Guaso Theater in the city of Guantanamo, Alejandra Feria Matos, from the Maisí municipality, was also awarded with the play “Felipón; and the “Naún Brothers Duet ”, made up of Danielis and Leoncio Naún Pascao, from the Niceto Pérez municipality, who competed with the song “Let the children sing”.

The jury, chaired by composer Julián Centeno Navarro, gave two mentions in this category, to contestants Lisvania Rodríguez Harry, from Guantanamo, who performed: “Los niños cantan al mundo” (Children sing to the world), and to María Eugenia Ramírez Pérez, from the municipality El Salvador, with the song titled “Para una madre” (For a mother).

During the award-givivng gala of the Vocecitas de Cristal Children’s Contest in its 34th issue, the Provincial Center of Culture Houses in Guantanamo specially recognized the Artesaneando con Yeny Sociocultural Project, La Colmenita Theater Company of the territory, for their performances in these days; as well as teacher Lizzete María Rasinés, daughter of teacher Antonia Luisa Cabal Salis, founder of this contest; and composer Elmer Hernández Matos.

Translated and Edited by Ilia Charon