Guantanamo.- Due to the threat of heavy rains, according to the information the National Meteorological Institute, the Municipal Defense Council calls on the population to stay informed and to get all the basic basket products that are still at the groceries.

Heavy rains are forecast, therefore the population is alerted to protect the means, both in work centers and in homes, mainly in low-lying areas, where flooding could occur.

Regarding the heavy rains that are forecast, the evacuation centers in Caimanera are activated:

1 – Pavel Rojo García Mixed Center for the Northern neighborhood.

2 – Luis Ramírez López Semi-boarding School for the Southern neighborhood

3 – Julio Antonio Mella Special School for vulnerable cases such as children under one year of age, bedridden elderly people, and pregnant women.

In case of any incident, people can call the Command Post’s telephone number: 21-49-99-97 and also the telephone numbers 21-49-91-88 and 21-49-90-95.