A Magisterial Lecture on Climate Change and its manifestations in Guantanamo by Master of Science Mario Montero Campello, representative of the Antonio Núñez Jiménez Foundation for Nature and Mankind, gave a start to the Second Scientific Workshop dedicated to the World Day to Combat Desertification and the Drought.

At the event, Marianela Cintra Arencibia, director of the Science and Technology branch of the National Soil Institute, presented the historical results of this center in the conservation and rehabilitation of arable land, where the United Nations Saving Lands Award stands out.

During the event, it was also highlighted that actually several projects are carried out for the restoration of degraded areas in semi-arid zones, and the production of organic fertilizers that improve the quality of soil.

In the scientific workshop dedicated to the Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, it was remarkable the words of Loexy Rodriguez, a specialist from the Weather Provincial Center, who showed evidence of climate change in the territory such as intense and recurrent droughts.

A dozen papers were presented by researchers from the Guantanamo University of the territorial branch of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, as well as the Cuban Association of Agricultural Technicians and Foresters.