The need to have more prepared staff, who use pillars of the Government such as science and innovation and social communication to achieve better results in their management work, prevailed in the summary analysis of this activity in Guantánamo during 2023. The meeting was chaired by Zenia Lores Méndez, member of the Provincial Bureau of the Party and the Governor Alis Azahares Torreblanca at the same level.

The participants tackled the commitment that it entails, for those who occupy management positions and are responsible for leading the processes in organizations, entities and government structures, to be creative and to tirelessly work as a team to achieve the results the people expect to have and its impact on the economic and social development of the province.

The increase number of vacant management positions without reservations, in the different organizations and dependencies of the local subordination of Guantánamo, was addressed critically, and how this problem is influenced by the phenomenon of internal emigration and external, as well as in better functioning of the entities.

The preparation and professional improvement of the cadres and the role of the Universities in meeting the professional demands of those who lead were also valued.

Likewise, the attention and systematic work in labor groups with young people and the reserves identified to assume different management responsibilities, a key task in the purpose of achieving continuity and guaranteeing the comprehensive socio-economic development of the territories.

The Governor of Guantanamo pointed out the “need to continue perfecting work systems and promoting collective collegiate decision-making that promote the achievement of higher goals.

Translated by Liubis Balart