The specialists from the Guantanamo Provincial Meteorological Center contribute, through the participation of projects, to mitigate the effects of climate change in key sectors such as Agriculture and Hydraulic Resources, in addition to the preservation of the environment.

An example is the entity’s leading project entitled “Medium-term climate change scenarios in the topoclimates associated with coffee and cocoa in Cuba”, through which it is committed to obtaining better yields from these exportable items of great importance for the economy of the country.

The contributions also stand out in the project “Strengthening the Agrometeorological Early Warning System, in conjunction with the World Food Program (WFP), from which technological and cognitive work capacities were improved for the provision of scientific-technical services and research, through crop monitoring with the use of satellite images.

Likewise, the territory’s meteorologists gave working tools such as the APK AGROCLIMA, which offers a timely and updated flow of information for the province in favor of the adoption of appropriate measures in each case by producers, technicians and local governments.

Carlos Román, director of the Guantanamo Meteorological Center, highlighted that the projects carried out jointly with the WFP, contribute to better monitoring of the drought and greater effectiveness in the beneficiaries based on agro-meteorological information, according to assessments made after the visit of activity control by international evaluators of the WFP’s work in the province.

Specialists from this scientific branch in the territory also participated in the projects “Verification of weather forecasts in Cuba” and “Numerical modeling of electrical discharges in the country”, both with satisfactory results that reflect the rigor of the investigations and efforts to reduce the impact of adverse climatic events

Translated and Edited by Liubis Balart