Guantánamo.- During the Bolereando space, of the Branch of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), in Guantánamo, and with the presence of Yoel Pérez García, First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party, the Jubilee of Award Winners corresponding to 2024 took place in this eastern city, a traditional celebration promoted by this cultural institution to commemorate the awards obtained by creators of the territory throughout the year and thus praise their work.
The concert offered by the dentist and bolero singer Paula Villalón, together with her guests, distinguished the meeting, also became a moment of celebration for the 15th anniversary of the artistic life of the virtuoso pianist Lisandra Porto, as well as a tribute to the Guantanamo artists awarded in national and provincial events during the past year 2024.
Ury Rodríguez Urgellés, president of the Provincial Committee of the UNEAC in Guantánamo, dedicated a few words of acknowledgement to the winners and also referred to the main work guidelines of this avant-garde cultural organization in the present year 2025. In addition to, he addressed the audience through the ceremony in remembrance of the of the Guantanamo artist Mario Limonta, after learning the news of his death.
The inauguration of the painting exhibition “La Primera Piedra”, by the Baracoan visual creator Guillermo Orlando Piedra Labañino, at the Celosía Art Gallery and the patio, opened the ceremony of the 2024 Jubilee of Award Winners in Guantánamo, which will be displayed at the headquarters of the UNEAC until next April.