Tobacco workers in Guantanamo
Tobacco workers in Guantanamo

The tobacco Workers of Guantanamo commemorated their day on ocassion of the 112th anniversary of the birth of the Cuban union leader Lázaro Peña and with the premise of advancing in the face of the economic difficulties that affect the country.

Natividad Rojas Leguen, director of the Tobacco Factory in the province, regretted not being able to meet the production plan, which reached 98 % due to damage to the electrical supply and absences of workers due to medical certificates, while she acknowledged achievements in the contribution to the performance by state investment and profits.

In this order, she called to redouble the efforts inspired by the legacy of Lázaro Peña, known as the captain of the working class in the country,  born on May 29, 1911, and from a very young age he worked in the tobacco sector,  to overcome the difficulties with the training of new cigar rollers to complete the workforce, the development of a highly productive day and other initiatives to return to full production.

During the ceremony  of the Tobacco Worker’s Day some workers were awarded with Carlos Baliño Medal as the rollers Aide Salas Pedro, Ana Virgen Fiss, Yolaidy Labañino Pérez and Aniuska Gamboa who have worked for more than 20 years in the factory,  distinction given by Juana Eglis Fernández Louit, general secretary of the CTC in the Guantanamo Province.

Ariusbel Navarro Speck, general secretary of the Provincial Union of Agricultural, Forestry and Tobacco Workers, recognized the will and dedication of the rollers, who despite the difficulties give their best for the benefit of the nation’s economy.