To commemorate the 129th anniversary of  the landing of José Martí and Máximo Gómez at Playita de Cajobabo, in the Guantanamo Province, on April 11th, the Cuban historians will hold the XXVIII National Workshop on the Wars of Independence in Cuba, an event that will attract more than fifty professionals and scholars of the country, interested in topics related to the Cuban independence process of the 19th century.

The scientific program begins on the 11th with the participation of Cuban intellectuals along with the authorities of the government, the party and the people in general, in the central event that traditionally takes place at foot of the monument erected to evoke the important landing of the heroes of independence 129 years ago, in the Guantanamo municipality of Imías.

Following the political-cultural event, members of the Union of Historians of Cuba and guests will visit at 10:00. A.M. the Salustiano Leyva House Museum and they will tour the Martiano Forest, and in the afternoon there will be the conference Transcendence of the revolutionary work of Pedro A. Pérez in the formation of the Guantanamo identity, by the doctor of sciences Idania Núñez La O.

The twenty-eighth National War of Independence Workshop continues the scientific program on the 12th with the Guantánamo panel in the wars of independence with doctors Elcira Favier Pereira, Maritza Maure López and the master of sciences Hiltrudes Casamayor Vivet, while the work by commissions It will take place at the University of Guantánamo until five in the afternoon when the conclusions of the event will be offered.

The Playita de Cajobabo event of the National Union of Historians of Cuba dedicated to the wars of independence, also includes book presentations and visits to historical sites, where the expedition members, led by Martí and Gómez, spent the night after their arrival on homeland in the early morning of April 11 to take part of the War of Independence, which began on February 24, 1895.

Tranlated by Liubis Balart