The Provincial Football Commission in Guantanamo announced a program of activities to be carried out in the coming days, to celebrate the Cuban football Day, on December 11.

For this purpose, a pre-veteran game was agreed on at the Roberto Mora field on December 7th starting at 1 o´clock in the afternoon, while on the 9th of the same month, a skills festival will be held in the pioneer, school categories.

The best part of the program is scheduled for the 11th, a game between two teams from the senior category, starting at 9 am, while an hour later the veterans’ meeting will take place followed by a festive activity, all at the Roberto Mora.

The Cuban Football Day was officially established on December 11, 1911 when the first match of that sport was played in Cuba, on the Palatino field, in Cerro, Havana.

A match that took place between the teams Hatuey (made up of Cubans and Spaniards) and Roberts (made up of players from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales). It ended 1-0, in favor of the Europeans.

Translated by Ilia Charon