Alec, la sonrisa y la equinoterapia

Guantanamo.- Alec Jañez Montenegro is a boy from Guantanamo who suffers from psychomotor disorders since he was a year and a half old, illness that has change his family and his own life quality

However, when he was incorporated to the equine therapy, confidence and joy were making their way back to his life, which consolidates this method as a useful tool to improve the life quality  of many people, especially infants with functional difficulties.

In Guantánamo, this program has its setting at the Elpidio Valdés amusement park and has the support of  the Provincial Enterprise for the Flora and Fauna Protection, which provides the animals and the staff for their care and training, as well as specialists from Health, Education and Sports provincial directorates, among them a psycho-pedagogue, pedagogue, physiotherapist, speech therapist, Physical Education teachers and others.

The effectiveness of the use of horses has been demonstrated in cases such as the physical and emotional rehabilitation in autistic people, neuromotor disorders, Down, Rett syndromes, cerebral palsy, behavioral disorders, concentration problems, hyperkinesia and other pathologies

According to specialized literature, a horse trained for this activity transmits rhythmic impulses to the patient while walking, which provide physiological stimuli to regulate muscle tone and to favor coordinated movement.

Equine therapy also enhances sensory integration, develops vertical and horizontal balance, and increases concentration, self-confidence, self-esteem and social interaction.

Translated and edited by Dayla Pérez Ortiz