Cell phones at schools, or the school in the cell phone?
Guantánamo.- The school year has just started and with it, the conflicts around cell phones. It happens that in just…
Your friendly voice from the easternmost province of Cuba
Guantánamo.- The school year has just started and with it, the conflicts around cell phones. It happens that in just…
Guantanamo.- Environmental specialists, together with the institutions of the Guantánamo Hydraulic Resources Delegation, are working to control the main sources…
Guantanamo.- Since its first celebration on September 23, 2018, Guantánamo has joined the activities for the International Day of Sign…
Guantanamo – With the entry of nearly 4,800 new students in the careers of Medicine, Stomatology and Nursing Degree, among…
Guantánamo – The Bachelor degree in Social Work is one of the novelties that distinguish the current 2024-2025 school year…
Guantanamo.- In recognition of her outstanding professional career and her contributions to Cuban higher education, PhD. Idania Núñez La O,…
Guantanamo – With the start of the school year on September 16 in higher education, the Guantanamo University (UG) and…
Guantanamo.-More than 1.6 million general education students in Cuba begin the 2024-2024 school year by receiving basic resources required for…
Guantanamo.- Nearly 800 professionals from Guantanamo collaborate in educational missions in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean as part of…
Guantánamo – Projections for work this year in the Manuel Tames Municipality include the completion of the Children’s House of…