During the 11th Ordinary Session of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power in Guantanamo, pertaining to the eighteenth mandate period, the Administration Council accounted to the same body on the work carried out during 2023.

The report covered attention to cadre policy, food marketing, the main services offered to the population and the struggle against crime and illegalities, as well as the transformation program for vulnerable neighborhoods, and the supply of products to the commercial and restaurant network.

The issue of local development projects and the need to achieve links with the state sector was addressed, as well as the impact they should have on the territory.

The mayor of the municipality, Rolando Cantillo Hernández, made reference to the consolidation of the Administration Council´s functioning, in which the work continues and referred to the objectives that support the Economic and Social Development Strategy and the preventive and social care.

He also gave details of the confrontation with crime, social indiscipline and corruption in commercial entities, while updating the town´s Territorial and Urban Planning Program.

Attention to the voters’ proposals was another topic discussed, the quality of responses, the reduction of risks against disasters and the strategies to enhance municipal self-sufficiency. The need to promote advances in science, technology and innovation and the use of Information and Communications Technologies was also analyzed.

In the eleventh ordinary session of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power in Guantanamo, delegates, after critical reflections associated with objective and subjective problems that hinder the service in many rooms, agreed the immediate execution of a comprehensive care program at the Doctor Agostinho Neto General Hospital.

Translated By Ilia Charon