With over 357 thousand hectares of forests, Guantanamo stands out in the country for the preservation of forest heritage, from the work to increase plantations, specialized micro-nurseries in the propagation of native and threatened species, as well as adequate forestry management.

Cooperativists, forest state entities, the Flora and Fauna company, the provincial system of protected areas, among other sectors that contribute to the care and reforestation of different areas, are involved in this work.

The main reforestation scenarios are the Guantanamo-Guaso and Toa hydrographic basins, where the proportion of trees in relation to the potential area is 95 percent in the first case and 98 percent in the area that includes Cuba´s largest river.

Among the measures, the territory is distinguished by the silvicultural treatment and specialized care of 1.6 hectares of mangroves on the coasts of Baracoa, Caimanera and within the perimeter of the Alejandro de Humboldt National Park, included in the list of Humanity Natural Heritage.

In Guantanamo, actions continue to reduce the risks of forest fires, and the reforestation program of the hydrographic basins in favor of protecting this natural resource.