May Day
Mayd Day

The Guantanamo labor movement develops an intensive programme of events in the 10 municipalities of the province until next May Day, when the main squares and streets show the enthusiasm of workers for the celebrations of the International Workers’ Day.

Juana Eglis Fernández Louit, general secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC, in Spanish), stressed that the united people of the Cuban easternmost province will show their strength and ratify their support for the Revolution during the massive festivities on the World Proletariat Holiday.

The most transcendental parade will take place in the Plaza de la Revolución of Guantánamo, at the foot of the Sculptural Complex with the effigy of the Mother of the Nation, Mariana Grajales, inaugurated on July 26, 1985 by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro.

With the motto For the Homeland, Hands and Heart, the parade will open with 84 flags alluding to the same number of years since the foundation of the CTC, a moment that will be opportune to recognize the Unions and the National Association of Innovators and Rationalizers of the province.

The union leader specified that the program for the important event includes the decoration of neighborhoods, blood donations, volunteer work, marathons, expo fairs and recognition of outstanding workers and groups.

She also pointed out that all the labor groups will participate in the festivities, which this time will dedicate their initiatives to the 170th birth anniversaries of José Martí and the 95th of Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, and to the heroes and martyrs of Playa Girón, 62 years after the victory against US imperialism.][/bg_collapse]