The latest rainy days cause slight water runoff towards the reservoirs in the Guantanamo Province, which only collected 2.7 million cubic meters, of the 21 million expected.

It was explained by Esviyel Ferrer Pozo, sub-delegate of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRHI, in Spanish) in the territory, who added that rainfall occurs on the land downstream of the dams without causing significant runoff.

Faustino Pérez dam is the most benefited reservoir, which collected close to one million cubic meters of water from the rains fell in the mountainous areas of La Tagua.

In the Guantanamo Province, period of the precipitations deficit is maintained; Forecasts shows that the largest volumes of rain will fall in the north-eastern region, which will prolong the time to get out of the drought that affects the territory.

In this sense, the INRHI prioritizes the construction of network for the supply of water to the communities of Hatibonico in the Caimanera municipality, as well as Honduras and Jamaica in Manuel Tames.][/bg_collapse]