Guantánamo – Once again, workers of the electricity sector in Baracoa municipality worked quickly to restore service in the places affected by heavy rains that began on April 29th and caused flooding in local tributaries, neighborhoods and houses.

The biggest breakdowns were reported on April 30tj, affecting more than 13,169 customers who were left without electric service due to damage in the transmission line from Moa to the municipality, which was reestablished on the same day.

During the rainy season, several primary and secondary circuits were also affected, while dozens of complaints were received from the population due to fallen poles and power lines, which were prioritized due to the danger this represents for human life

False contacts and oil leaks in three transformers, one of them located in El Triunfo Bakery and another one in La Pasada neighborhood , were other damages caused by the heavy rains.

Alexander Machado Noa, director of the Unidad Empresarial de Base Eléctrica Baracoa, said that said equipment was quickly reestablished, as well as the one on Abel Díaz Street, where a 37.5 Kv transformer was located, which will be replaced by a 50 Kv one later on.

Machado Noa valued that the recovery actions were agile, sometimes they were carried out under the rain or crossing tributaries with certain levels of water, and they had the support of two work groups from Guantanamo, but even so there are clients in intricate or swampy areas that do not have electricity.

The few who are waiting for service, the manager explained, are asked for patience and confidence in the work they will do when the weather conditions allow it, since the rains do not stop and new breakdowns may appear.

Translated by Dayla Perez Ortiz