An innovative project for the attention to albino patients takes its first steps in Guantanamo. This minority group suffers from severe vision and skin affections due to the lack of melanin. This project has the purpose of raising the quality of life and making visible the psychosocial problems of these people.

The team integrated by dermatologists, ophthalmologists, social workers and special education teachers, is coordinated by, Lisne Muilán Gainza. Due to the studies of two sociologists from Holguín, founders in 2023 of the Cuban albinos Community (CPAC), emerged the need to create a group from each province to help those who suffer from this genetic disorder.

The dermatologist from the 4 de Agosto Polyclinic in the capital city also adds that so far 17 cases of albinism have been registered, 3 of them have already received their first consultation at the provincial Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa.

Specialized care for those living with albinism is of utmost importance, because although they are not totally blind, their vision is quite diminished or unfocused, but they are able to distinguish shapes and colors since they do have the cells responsible for these functions.  In most cases they can lead a normal life based on the acceptance of their disease and the support of society to facilitate their full integration to daily life.

Translated by  Dayla Ortiz

Edited by Liubis Balart