Amparo Duporté Caballero is a 65-year-old Guantánamo native who confesses that her love for children has always been essential in her life. More than four decades dedicated to work in children’s day care centers), are proof of this love.

“I started my working life at the age of 22 as a pedagogical assistant, then I registered in the University of Guantánamo, because I felt the need to improve myself, besides it was a goal that I owed to myself; and I am already 25 years old as a graduate in Early Childhood Education”, she says and adds:

“I retired with 44 years of experience and I went back to work because I was not comfortable at home, my life away from them was impossible… I believe I was born to educate”.

In these institutions children are taught basic elements such as geometric figures, numbers, colors. They are also educated in habits, skills, in the elementary principles for their later insertion in school.

That is why every morning when she enters the Niño Mío children’s day care center , the educator Amparo Duporté feels useful, happy, and fulfilled; with more than forty years of work in these institutions, the magic and charm of educating still lingers in her.

The children’s day care centers emerged in Cuba on April 10, 1961; throughout these 63 years they have favored the full integration of women into society and played an important role in the formation of children from the earliest ages.

Translated By Dayla

Edited By Ilia Charon